Sarah is now 4 weeks old today. It’s absolutely incredible.

I looked at her this morning and just saw a little person. While Mom jumped in the shower we toured the house looking at everything, kinda sitting on my arm like a ventriloquist dummy just looking, staring and taking it all in. We’re still a big fan of the fridge (stainless steel-shiny surface) and going out in the sun room too with all the windows to see the backyard. I caught her watching t.v. the other night too. Just totally mesmerized with it. I couldn’t imagine what the thoughts must have been seeing this big thing and all the changing pictures on it. It has to be amazing. I’m still amazed by it. I love t.v.

Anyhoo, we’re doing good. We’re trying to get into a schedule now and it’s sorta working. Sleeping through the night is mostly working, although I’ve done a good job of dishing this off on Mom. Sorry Mom. I’ll try to get better.

We’re doing things that, as I’m told, you’re just not expected a newborn to be doing.

• At just a couple days old she was holding her head up by herself. I’m told that neck muscles are still too weak at that age but she was doing it. Consistently too.
• At a week old we would wave our hands in front of her face and she would reach out and grab it. Really, we would be doing it a few inches from her face since she couldn’t see that far and she only has little arms so you can do the math. But she was workin’ it!
We started bottle feeding on a more regular pattern and last night noticed she was holding her bottle. By herself if we wanted it to. 4 weeks old.

She is amazing to me.