
So it’s been a while since I’ve added anything to this, kinda unbelievable that it’s been 16 days if you ask me, but alot has happened. Or has it?

The biggest news is Sarah will be here any day now. Any day now. Yeah, any day now. Will that damn day just get here already? Well, just not tomorrow hopefully. This is for different reasons I’m not getting into. But suffice it to say The Wife (same pic as last post I know) is done and just can not wait for our little one to come along.

People ask me am I excited? Well, are you? Truthfully, no. It’s not that I am not overjoyed, thinking about it. I truly am. But if you ask if I get excited to know this is coming along it’s more of a “yeah, I’m gonna be someone’s Pop.” That’s more nerve-racking than exciting to me.

By the way, that’s Ashley Davenport (Aimee’s neice) working the camera. She’s pretty good at that…