Sarah Maureen

Sarah Maureen Polakowski
7lb 5oz
18 3/4 inches long
Nov 7, 2007

We got to the hospital at 8am and got into a room at 8:30. Up on the monitors and checking things out by 9.

Elaine, our primary nurse, started a Pitocin drip at about 10:30 and the contractions started to become regular shortly afterwards. At 12:20 The Wife asked for the (planned) epidural as the contractions were starting to become unbearable. 12:45 she had one that I know I would have cried like a little girl if I went through it. 5 minutes later, another that seemed twice as worse. Right at this time the anesthesiologist came in to put in the epidural.

Anyhoo…Aimee’s mom and I left the room while Dr. Kim did his thing and came back and damn…what a difference some drugs make. The meter on the screen measuring the contractions were off the charts at times but she ended up napping. Epidurals do work.

By 3:15 things were really progressing and it seemed after moving The Wife around the bed to get her comfortable, the epidural started wearing off, so I got the nurse. She did a quick exam and all non-chalantly stated “looks like it’s baby time”. I’m freaking out inside and the nurse looked like she wanted to have an ice cream sundae, she was that calm. I guess if you do it enough…

Elaine called out to our OB/GYN, Dr. Rothberg to come in and they started doing their thing. At 3:40 we started (yeah “WE”, like I had anything more to do than hold a leg and not pass out) really pushing and it moved along FAST! about 5 whole contractions of pushing and then the Doc pronounced at that 4:05 Sarah Maureen was here.

Welcome. Now I hope you sleep all the time like you just did tonight. You wouldn’t even wake up to eat for your 5am feeding. Please, please don’t forget that. I beg you.