Sarah day 2

Hi…so I’ve been here with The Wife for almost 48 hours and she is as crazy as I thought she’d be. No, I’m kidding. She’s not crazy-like but it is interesting to watch that motherly instinct.

Wednesday night was crappy in terms of sleep plus Sarah needing her feedings (The Wife is breastfeeding). You do learn that the schedule just happens and you live with it but it’s still a change. I’m generally a heavy sleeper but I’ve even been on my toes, waking at a slight sound. Last night (well, right now I spose) was a better night but still, Aimee would wake and I would hear her moving, or drinking some water and I’d wake. This changes everything! I WANT MY SLEEP PATTERN BACK! Guess that’s gone now for years. At least she’s breastfeeding now and I can always use that “oh looks like she’s hungry, I can’t do it so….” and roll back over to my wonderful, wonderful slumber.

Gonna roll and get the car battery fixed. I started the car Wednesday to drive in and it was sluggish to get it started, went to start it yesterday to leave out of here to go home and get some rest, and it was dead. So I’m heading over to the dealer to get them to swap it out. They say they’re going to “test it”. I say they’re going to swap it. We’ll see who wins. I’ll put some more pics up later today.