sarah and mother

Sarah is now 5 days old and it’s been quite a whirlwind. A new life in your care is something that you hear changes your life and it’s true.

First up, sleep. Ha. For me it hasn’t been terrible since I don’t have boobs but The Wife does. She has gotten beat up by the little one with overnight feeding sessions. I don’t know how to explain other than last night, about every hour she wanted some more food. The Wife was up from 11pm until 6am when she woke me up for good and I rocked Sarah to sleep so The Wife could get a little shut eye herself. This was the second night in a row after only being home for 2 nights. Sarah’s a night owl.

She good in that she’s eating well, pooping regularly and peeing often.

Funny story…earlier today Aunt Kathy and I checked her diaper for any messes and noticed it was wet. We start removing the messy diaper and BLAM! she starts peeing again. Thsi time it’s all over her clothes. Crap (not literally). So we start undressing and lay her on the top tray of the pack & play, all naked and damn if she doesn’t pee again. Right there, undressed and screaming up a storm cuz she’s cold. It was very funny.

So the list of visitors today…Kathleen and Brogan from the ‘Burg. Carl, Joann, lil’ Carl, Alla and Rocky (Jackson loved him). Kristina, Sue and Seth. Stacey and Al (thanks for the chicken, mash potatoes, corn and brownies). Kristina. And Kristina and Seth again (Kris kept forgetting stuff.)

Quite the busy day indeed and quite the tired dad here.