So yesterday at about 2:30pm I look at the clock and remember the Eagles are playing today. WHAT AM I THINKING???

So I flip the game on and The Wife reminds me to go grab Sarah’s Eagles jersey. She needs to wear it! At this point, it’s 7-3, Miami is leading. I run upstairs to grab it and we put it on as quick as we can and that drive, right after she gets dressed, the Eagles score a touchdown and we lead the game from there. We end up winning the game! She’s going to wear that jersey every sunday now!

Sarah is doing good. She’s getting bigger, more alert. She had a little eye goopy thing going on this past week but she seems to be mostly over it.

She had a couple visitors this past friday in Aunt Lisa, Aunt Sue and her cousin Ashley. She had a good time (Momma told me that) and really appreciated her peeps stopping by. I’m sure Mom enjoyed the company as well.

One more change/thing I found is my .Mac Web Gallery. It seems to work in a way like Flickr to post pictures. It also allows you to have other people (like you guys reading this) to add photos to it. Don’t ask me how to do it. I haven’t figured that out yet. But here’s the link: Sarah makes the Eagles Win

It’s a 1am feeding and I am starting to feel sleepy. Mom has her right now and she’s quiet and it’s nighttime so that’s a good thing. Nights have been the more active of the 2 times of day. I would say she’s a little vampire.