So it’s Jan 2, 2008. Other than a quick post on Christmas Day We’ve been off the radar, at least off this blog anyways.

Dad had himself a nice long vacation and spent damn near the entire time with the Wife and his new little lady.

Speaking of the little lady…she is doing wonderful. She went from a crying little monster to the sweetest thing in the world over my holiday. Looking back, at least to me, it was Christmas day at my Father’s house that was the turning point. Don’t get me wrong, she still cry’s a bit but whatever was bugging the hell out of her seems to have gone away. I guess the aliens left her body!

So for the most part since then she has been a dream. We’ve become more cooperative. We’re taking bottles a bit more (although they seem to affect her belly a bit but she’s getting used to them) and sleeping longer. In fact one night I think she slept 6 hours! Mom is loving it.

Dad has TONS of pictures he has to put up and he’s going to try to put them online tonight, late night, so look for them tomorrow (or over night if your an insomniac) and we hope you enjoy them!