I don’t know what you guys did this weekend but I did nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was nice.

Saturday was the Wife’s birthday, she turned 33. I was a jerk for a while during the day (sorry Wife) but by the end it turned out to be pretty good, at least from my perspective. Since I can only cook about 4 things I made her a london broil, some baked potatoes and corn. During the day she snuck out with her bestest friend Tina for a pedicure which I think she mostly enjoyed (except when the guy scrubbed her heels too hard). Sarah was pretty good but for some reason, while Mom was out enjoying herself, Sarah decided to SCREAM for about 45 minutes. You’d be surprised how fast 45 minutes goes by with a screaming baby in your arms.

Sunday was an incredibly lazy day. I stayed in my PJ’s the entire day. Sarah and I took a nap in bed (the picture above is us snoozing) and that was about an hour. She slept in her swing for a couple more hours and she was a happy, happy baby after a long sleep. We played with our toys for a while, ate a ton of food (Sarah, not me) and relaxed.

A couple nights this week we slept through the ENTIRE night and didn’t wake until 6am for some foodies. Unfortunately, the past 2 nights, she’s been up every couple hours. The Wife had a good point this morning, that she may be going through a growth spurt. Please tell me it’s not so. She’s not supposed to be getting bigger. I tell her all the time to stop growing but she doesn’t know what I’m saying yet. I think I need to learn baby-ese so we can communicate better…