So my last longer post had me not getting any sleep. Well, I’ve gotten some since then. In fact, quite a bit. She is soo good at night now. Every once in a while she’ll get cranky during the night but she is a real good sleeper. She’s not big on going to bed when it’s still light out because there’s so much to see!

There has been soo soo much going on that I’ve been wanting to write about but haven’t had the time. I’ll try to do a little outline since I last posted on May 21.
Memorial day came and gone
My nephew Spencer graduated from high school. These kid’s grow up quick.
Helped a friend with moving as much as I could (but I couldn’t complete the job. Sorry!)
We had a pool installed and it even passed inspection! Now Sarah can swim whenever she wants.
Tons of outdoor work on the house including moving (literally) tons of stone around the property for the newly installed pool plus finishing the front garden and dressing up the base of the trees in the front yard.
Sarah moved from her table-top saucer thing she ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in into a real high chair. Go Grrl!
July 4 just came and went.
Had a few parties at home.
Been working, and had Dad working on Mom-in-law’s house which is just about to “officially” go on the market after 8 months of clean up and interior remodeling. Phew!
My sister had a baby girl, Maura Patricia. Tiny little thing. Sunday June 29 at 8:05am. I don’t know the size and weight but when I have a couple pictures to put up, I’ll post that info.
Spent last week in Boston for work.
Reworked the look of this blog since Mom hated the cold, grey and black look. I liked the old look but apparently I don’t have much choice (or courage to stand up for myself and keep the look.)
Watching Sarah get bigger.

So, that’s the short list. The long list is much, much longer. Mostly though, I have worked a ton in different areas over the past numerous weeks but watching my daughter is the best thing I do. Her and I spent some time this past holiday weekend going shopping for new lawn chair cushions and other items and to have her out and seeing the world is so much fun. I love watching her watching everything else. There’s nothing that can top her and her smiling at me.

I have some new photos to put up and I have more stories to tell but for now I’ll leave you with…

oh, and comments are always welcome.