
My little girl how you have gotten big so damn fast. I haven’t put anything up here in about 2 months and in that time you have gotten so much more like a little people.

In that time, myself personally, have been through quite a lot with some home stuff such as cleaning up some things and doing a little work here and there on the house and trying to spend as much time as I humanly can with you, Sarah. Unfortunately I wasn’t born rich so I have to go to work everyday. Even though your Mom works AT home even she can’t get to spending the entire day with you (as much as she would love to) since she has to work also. Sometimes life really just isn’t fair. For that, I’m sorry kid.

But how are you doing Sarah? Did you say you now crawl like a mad woman? Did you say you enjoy screaming at me for holding you too long and not letting you skootch across the floor? I can’t help holding you, you’re so damn huggable! Did you say you love standing yourself up and you really REALLY want to walk? Did you say mama and dada? I thought so. I knew you did.

I love you Sarah. So very much. I’m so proud to know I’ll be your Dad even when you hate me when you’re 14 years old. Try not to forget that kid.

Oh, and Sarah, I know…I know. I’ll put some damn pictures of us (and mostly you) on the blog so your peeps can see you and how kooky you are. Your Dad is just a seriously bad slacker.