There has been a ton going on since I last posted. I can’t believe it has been so long but I’m back (hopefully).

Sarah is getting so big. She is so damn awesome. If I’d have known kids were this cool I would have had them years ago (but I was much, much stupider then). I also probably wouldn’t have this great little one. She’s saying words and meaning it. Yesterday afternoon for example, the Wife was out of the room and Sarah didn’t like it so she started hollering “MOMMA MOMMA” for her to get her butt back but the Wife didn’t hear her.

She’s a great little walker now too. On Saturday the Wife, Sarah and I went to New Hope and walked through town. Probably walked the equivalent of 6-7 blocks and Sarah walked almost the whole way with me, holding my hand the entire time. It was so cute. I can’t tell you how many smiles we got from others that we passed. The Wife took some video but I just have to get it up on this site but when I do, I’ll let you know.

We recently got a Flip Mino HD camera which is a pocket-sized video camera but records up 720 HD content. Pretty damn cool and smaller than a regular size iPod so it can fit in your pocket. We’ve used that a ton to take videos of El Little One. If you go to the movies section, I’ll have new videos that we shot with this marked somehow. But go take a look, see what you think.

Oh, we’re going into the hospital tomorrow to have our second child, a boy. He will be Aiden Edward. I’m so excited, I can’t sleep.