Aidens Life-Goals
I sat with my mom and we worked on some life goals of things I want to achieve. Here they are.

I want to get on the High school golf team

      1. 2.5-year timeline – Work through Middle School to better my golf game 
      2. I am working with my PGA Junior League coaches to improve my game.
      3. I am starting private lessons this Thursday to better my golf skills.
      4. I am saving money to get a range finder
      5. I am asking for a golf set for Christmas

I want to travel to all of the states by the time I’m 55.

      1. 44-year timeline to travel to 41 states
      2. I can talk with my parents to plan vacations to places I haven’t visited.
      3. When I am 16 and get a job, I will save $10 a week – $520 a year for 6 years for travel expenses. I will save approximately $3120 by the time I graduate college.
      4. The year I graduate college, I will use the money I saved to travel to the states of AL, MS, and LA during the summer.
      5. After I get a career as a financial advisor, I will save $40 a week – $2080 a year for travel expenses.
      6. Each year I will travel to a new state that I haven’t explored yet with the money I saved for traveling.

I want to become a financial advisor

      1. 13-year timeline – this includes Middle School, High School, College and master’s degree.
      2. I will continue to take honors math through Middle school and High School.
      3. I will work hard in school to get the best grades in mathematics and all my other subjects.
      4. Get initiated in the National Honors Society in High School.
      5. I will apply for academic scholarships for College.
      6. I could work at a bank part-time to get experience.
      7. I plan to get a master’s degree in finance after I graduate from College.
      8. By the time I am 25 years old,  I plan to be working for a large financial advisor firm.