It’s so nice to have the late spring/early summer weather here upon us. Life at home has been busy. I finished up the boy’s room this week except for putting his crib together. I know, this should be done before he arrives but it didn’t happen, ok?
Well, funny story about his crib or should I say Sarah’s. See…last Sunday the Wife asked me “what’s that on the floor under Sarah’s crib?” Turns out it was one of the slats along the back of the crib. She must have kicked it pretty good while sleeping and snapped the slat clean in half and made herself an escape route out the back. Ingenious little sucker she is. So the upper half is still in the crib and the bottom is not. I now have to figure out how to get that back in there, secure it and hopefully make it look clean. Thanks Sarah.
The basement is almost finished getting remodeled too. Some trim around the doorways to install, take care of putting in the light above the pool table and then paint that ceiling. Then get all of my tools out of there. Now we have a bunch of stuff to do for the pool for the summer. We bought a solar heater for the pool and I’m in the middle of installing that. I’m putting it on the roof of my shed so I had to extend out the roof to have enough length for it so…a 6’ extension is in the middle of going on. It never ends. Hopefully this project will be done tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. God I hope…
Both kids are doing very well. Sarah is almost officially a toddler with attitude and tantrums on a whim. It’s wonderful. “Sarah, no you can’t get on the couch!” BWAHAHAHAAHAAHHH will be the next sound you hear. “Sarah, no you can’t put that fork in your eye” BWAHAHAHAHAH again. I love it. Anybody want to borrow a kid for a couple years? As for Aiden, he is so chill. He wants to just sleep on your chest all the time. He’s having some belly problems right now and sleep at night is good some nights, bad for a lot of them. But the Wife is a god damn trooper. She’s such a good Mom. I couldn’t ask for a better baby momma.