CLICK ME CLICK ME!!!!! So….finally I found time over the past few weeks to finally update SMP. Some might say “why don’t you put these on services like Facebook or Instagram?” My reason, I don’t own the images any longer. They’re on...

So new photos going up

I have Sarah’s birthday party just posted. They will take a while to load unfortunately. It’s a lot of photos. You can find them over there to the right under “Image Gallery/2014” and then click on the big azz picture that comes up. Also there...


It took a year but I finally have pics up for everything from our trip to Disney in 2010 until 2011. So all good pics I wanted to post are up there on the Image Gallery page. I really hope you enjoy it.   Image...
An encouraging sign

An encouraging sign

Last evening as we’re doing some wind down, playing in the (very mess) family room, I turned on the t.v. for some background noise. When I turned it on since the last time it was used, it was tuned to PBS showing a performance of some Beethoven works. Since I...
A perfect birthday present

A perfect birthday present

I had a really good birthday this year. All I wanted was to get home early and play with the kids in the yard. Making a big leaf pile and just enjoying the great weather for the day. I got my wish. Thank you family. Dad
Aiden’s First Day at School

Aiden’s First Day at School

So the day finally came and we sent our baby boy off to school. OK, it’s the same class and teacher that Sarah was in last year but still it’s just him getting bigger and growing up. Well I have to report he was very excited and didn’t even turn...