Great weekend for us

Great weekend for us

Ah….This weekend was a great one for us. Friday was a chill night. We didn’t do too much but take it easy, hanging out with our next door neighbors (who are great btw). Saturday Sarah went to get her first haircut which went very well. She was more...
Added a “Photos” link…

Added a “Photos” link…

If you click “Image Gallery” above it will take you to the new photos location. It took some time (and a good learning of WordPress and plug ins) but I got it up and running. Pics are there up to and including Sarah’s 2nd birthday. I have 8 months of...

In defense of the little man

I do have to be fair to Aiden though after my previous post. Before bed time tonight, he crawled his way up the stairs, down the hall but then heard my voice. He damn near crawled back DOWN the stairs to get me, saying “daa dee” along the way. I did the...

sleep is a luxury…

Aiden…why don’t you get a whole night sleep? Buddy, come on. Please get more than 2-3 hours in a row before you start waking up. Mom and dad beg of you. Love, Dad
It’s baseball season!

It’s baseball season!

We’ve been through a heck of a winter, with Aiden in the hospital 3 times for respiratory issues. Poor ‘lil guy was doing some crazy heavy belly breathing after getting a cold and we’d end up in baby trauma for the day. Thankfully we’ve exited the winter months and...