sleep is a very precious, precious thing

sleep is a very precious, precious thing

I’m quickly learning that sleep deprivation is a big part of child-rearing. Last night, upon getting home around 10pm, Sarah was sleeping soundly in her pack-n-play. She actually slept very well until about 11:30 which was about the 3 1/2 hour mark for that nap. So...
thank you everybody

thank you everybody

Well, before I pass out for the night as I’m a little sleepy I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to everybody who has wished us well with Sarah. Your gifts, friendship and well wishes are all very encouraging. Sometimes people let time slip by and don’t talk...
oh boy…I mean girl

oh boy…I mean girl

Sarah is now 5 days old and it’s been quite a whirlwind. A new life in your care is something that you hear changes your life and it’s true. First up, sleep. Ha. For me it hasn’t been terrible since I don’t have boobs but The Wife does. She has gotten beat up by the...
s.m.p. Day 2

s.m.p. Day 2

Hi…so I’ve been here with The Wife for almost 48 hours and she is as crazy as I thought she’d be. No, I’m kidding. She’s not crazy-like but it is interesting to watch that motherly instinct. Wednesday night was crappy in terms of sleep plus Sarah needing her...
Welcome Sarah Maureen

Welcome Sarah Maureen

Sarah Maureen Polakowski 7lb 5oz 18 3/4 inches long 4:05pm Nov 7, 2007 We got to the hospital at 8am and got into a room at 8:30. Up on the monitors and checking things out by 9. Elaine, our primary nurse, started a Pitocin drip at about 10:30 and the contractions...
The time is just about here

The time is just about here

It’s official. No later than Wednesday morning, 7:30am. So the baby is on the way. I may have brought this up but I will again. I’ve been asked if I am excited I would say yes, I am excited because of the awesome wittle thang that’s coming my way. Truthfully, I’m not...