Aiden’s First Day at School

Aiden’s First Day at School

So the day finally came and we sent our baby boy off to school. OK, it’s the same class and teacher that Sarah was in last year but still it’s just him getting bigger and growing up. Well I have to report he was very excited and didn’t even turn...
Sarah’s 2nd First Day at school

Sarah’s 2nd First Day at school

Sarah started her 2nd year in Pre-School today. Her mom (The Wife) wrote a great email to her family that I wanted to share. I hope you don’t mind, my dear. Dad, I hope this email finds you well and you are enjoying the nice weather. I can say I am so glad it is...

Aiden has feet

He’s been getting so big. Somehow out of the blue he turned into a little boy over the last month, getting out of the baby mode. His vocabulary is getting better and saying words, even stringing a few together to make short sentences tonight. After dinner he...

Sarah is all sugared up

We’re having some cake for dessert after dinner. Sarah tells me she’s all sugared up, just like ice cream. What a silly one. one more thing…our next door neighbor’s 7 year old daughter was dropped off at our house after soccer practice by a...
She is my daughter

She is my daughter

When I was in my early 20’s, money was a tad bit tight. No money for car insurance, car registration or the fines that came with it. Rent money was damn near non-existent. A pair of socks pretty much meant whatever would fit, without any holes. A black and a...