

Due to some stinky reasons, no baby today. It’s not Aimee, it’s the hospital. So nevermind. New baby will be here tomorrow. Instead. Drat.
There is a whole lot going on now…

There is a whole lot going on now…

There has been a ton going on since I last posted. I can’t believe it has been so long but I’m back (hopefully). Sarah is getting so big. She is so damn awesome. If I’d have known kids were this cool I would have had them years ago (but I was much, much stupider...
Not a whole lot goin’ on

Not a whole lot goin’ on

Not a lot going on in Sarah world. We’re just getting bigger and walking a little more. This little bugger is such a cautious little girl that getting up the nerve to go across the room is a lot of her. If she gets unsteady, she’ll just drop to the floor and crawl....
It’s happened, we’re mobile!

It’s happened, we’re mobile!

Sarah did it today. She took her first steps! She walked from Mom Mom to her Mama, about 6 steps total but did it pretty steadily. We then went back and forth a bunch of times and we were so happy. Just to see her so happy to do it, I don’t think I have ever been more...
A rundown of the past 36 hours

A rundown of the past 36 hours

I know I always say “Sorry I haven’t posted more but it’s been busy…” Here’s my last 36 hours Jan 19, 9am-6:15pm: work 6:15-7pm: Drive home 7-8:45pm: play with child and get her ready for bed 8:45-11pm: watch tv and build up courage to go downstairs and apply...
What a January!

What a January!

Oh boy has it been cold here in the area this winter. Today is supposed to be the coldest day in the past 4 years and I can tell you it is crappy out there. Bitter, bitter cold. But we’re getting along fine at home. Heater is working so how can you complain? Sarah is...