4 weeks old

4 weeks old

Sarah is now 4 weeks old today. It’s absolutely incredible. I looked at her this morning and just saw a little person. While Mom jumped in the shower we toured the house looking at everything, kinda sitting on my arm like a ventriloquist dummy just looking, staring...
The proof has been revealed…

The proof has been revealed…

Since day one we’ve been trying to figure out who’s baby this was. Some people said she looked like Mom, some said she resembled some ladies from Dad’s side. We’ll, the argument is over and we have a clear winner. She looks like Mom. Check these 2 pictures...
Sarah has been missing…

Sarah has been missing…

Sarah, You have been running Mom and Dad cRAzY!!!!! Apparently we don’t believe in sleeping more than 1 hour, MOST OF THE TIME! I completely understand that you don’t want to sleep the whole day away but when you’re awake there really isn’t much of a need to be all...
Sarah is 2 weeks old!

Sarah is 2 weeks old!

Yeah, yeah, yeah it will get a little old if I do this every week but it’s true. Today she’s 2 weeks old! It’s been one hell of a ride these past couple weeks at least for me. And since it’s my web site, you’ll get MY side of it. (I’m going to let Mom put up something...
Sarah is the Eagles good luck charm

Sarah is the Eagles good luck charm

So yesterday at about 2:30pm I look at the clock and remember the Eagles are playing today. WHAT AM I THINKING??? So I flip the game on and The Wife reminds me to go grab Sarah’s Eagles jersey. She needs to wear it! At this point, it’s 7-3, Miami is leading. I run...
Sarah is one week old

Sarah is one week old

I’m a little behind but I wanted to get more pictures up of the new little one. Click here to check the pictures out. Sarah’s First Week She’s has been more than anything I could have asked for. For her to look up at me after sleeping for a couple hours, with her...