It sure has been beautiful

It sure has been beautiful

Hola everyone. Yeah, haven’t written in a while but hopefully with some slowdowns in home remodeling projects and day job projects, maybe I’ll be able to take the time to push out some more pictures and movies for people to see. I do have some pics to check out now....
beautiful weather isn’t it?

beautiful weather isn’t it?

It’s so nice to have the late spring/early summer weather here upon us. Life at home has been busy. I finished up the boy’s room this week except for putting his crib together. I know, this should be done before he arrives but it didn’t happen, ok? Well, funny story...
Aiden’s been busy…

Aiden’s been busy…

So has The Wife, Sarah, Mom Mom and Dad. We’ve been taking pictures and movies but I’ve been so busy with everything with home and a large project with work that after I get home, I don’t want to even LOOK at a computer except to escape from the real world for a...
There is a whole lot going on now…

There is a whole lot going on now…

There has been a ton going on since I last posted. I can’t believe it has been so long but I’m back (hopefully). Sarah is getting so big. She is so damn awesome. If I’d have known kids were this cool I would have had them years ago (but I was much, much stupider...
Not a whole lot goin’ on

Not a whole lot goin’ on

Not a lot going on in Sarah world. We’re just getting bigger and walking a little more. This little bugger is such a cautious little girl that getting up the nerve to go across the room is a lot of her. If she gets unsteady, she’ll just drop to the floor and crawl....
It’s happened, we’re mobile!

It’s happened, we’re mobile!

Sarah did it today. She took her first steps! She walked from Mom Mom to her Mama, about 6 steps total but did it pretty steadily. We then went back and forth a bunch of times and we were so happy. Just to see her so happy to do it, I don’t think I have ever been more...