Everyday I think…wow, I should write “this” down when the kids do something silly, cute, angering or when you look at them and you realize how damn smart these little effers really are. I don’t want this to be a cliche type thing though where there are a bazillion other “mommy blogs” that do the same thing. Really, the reason I want to do this is so I don’t forget. I want to make sure I remember how Sarah wanted to swing “so high” like a super baby. How Aiden looks at you and says “please” and “thank you” and you realize that some thing is clicking in the brains and you know he’s starting to get it. I’m sure my mom and dad saw far many things (I hope) that they thought were the cutest ever but I’ll never know what those were. Hopefully Aiden and Sarah, I’ll keep up on this so you know what I think are those moments.