Ah….This weekend was a great one for us. Friday was a chill night. We didn’t do too much but take it easy, hanging out with our next door neighbors (who are great btw).

Saturday Sarah went to get her first haircut which went very well. She was more interested in what was going on around her than what was being done so that was very good for the parents. Got home, hung out inside due to rain and then went down to the Ballpark to see the Phillies play. Halliday was on the mound and he pitched a gem, 5 hitter and we won in 11, 1-0. We stayed pretty late and saw almost through all 9 innings of regulation. It was getting late so we took off.

After a couple games of beer pong before the game (which my team went 2-0 due to me showing up late and being sober) and crappy beer, Dad felt HORRIBLE on Sunday but managed to watch the kids (mostly) with everybody surviving the day. In the afternoon we hung out with the neighbors again and did some swimming. Sarah took a nap, we got dressed and went to see Jack Johnson at the Camden center. We got there far too early not thinking of opening bands but Jack came on around 9 and we stayed until nearly 10:30. Shortly before we got out of there I asked the Wife if she was ready to head out, she informed me all she wanted to hear was Banana Pancakes then she’d be ready. He then played it for her. What a nice guy.

A good, memorable weekend for me. Hopefully for everybody else. Thank you family for everything. I love you guys. Here’s some pics of the weekend. I’ll have some more new ones of July 4th and other stuff when I finally find time that I’m NOT working on the wife’s stuff!
