UPDATE: We’ve found out since I posted this the last time that we are going to have a little………. BOY! Sarah will have a brother to beat up for a few years. But then if he tries to kick her ass, then I will kick his, but only because I used to get in trouble like that. Apparently it’s an un-written rule that you can’t hit a girl, even if it is your sister. I can’t wait to enforce that and get some revenge!

So it will be a boy and expected arrival date is April 29. His name will be Aiden Edward. I can’t wait.

PREVIOUSLY POSTED: It’s official. Most of you already know but those who don’t it’s not intentional but we just haven’t spoken for a while. Sorry about that. But anyways….Mom is pregnant! She’s about 20 weeks right now and we find out next week if it’s a boy or girl. I don’t care about which sex, I just want them to be healthy. Nothing more you can ask for.

Sarah is excited about it too. She’s been asking for a little brother or sister and we’re glad we can help her out like that. Ok, I’m kidding. She doesn’t talk yet. Except to say “hidad” but it’s the cutest hidad you’d ever hear.