Mom's iris

Just thought I’d drop a quick note as some readers have asked me about some entries that have disappeared. They really haven’t disappeared, they’ve just gone the way of the dodo bird, or to the Archive. Your choice.

So how do you find it? See over there on the right where it says “Archives”. Click a month you want to search through and enjoy.

I also found another cool item I forgot all about, Comments. At the bottom of each page there is now the option to leave comments on each page so go ahead and add in what you like. I’ll be sure to check them out. Promise.

If you have already set up an RSS feed of the blog all pages will update due to the comments update. Sorry.

I’ll probably have a couple more site updates that I’ve should have done already but didn’t get done. If there’s any more back-end changes, I’ll update this post and re-post it to the top.

Lastly, the pic above has a special meaning. When The Wife and I moved into our previous house we got a gift from Drew C., a good friend growing up who lived across the street from us. Seems that more than 20 yrs ago my Mom gave Drew an Iris plant and he’s kept it alive since. Being the bad-ass botanist he is, I would expect nothing else. So right after we moved in, Drew gave me a chunk of it and it grew heartily for us. Well, The Wife wakes up on a sunday morning before me and walks downstairs and looks out the kitchen window and sees that it has bloomed. We’ve lived in the house for more than 2 1/2 years and have had the plant most of that time, but it had never bloomed. This sunday it did.

This was Mother’s day May 16, 2006. Within the next year, unexpectedly, The Wife became pregnant. Thank you, Mom.