Bailee dog

It’s been a pretty busy, crazy week. I posted for the first time last week and thought I would be able to add more regularly. I guess if you don’t make the time, it’s not going to just happen for you, now is it?

Well, The Wife and I will be finally selling our first house together. I found out, at about 11:30am today, that our U&O inspection is happening tomorrow at 9am. Ain’t nothing like a head’s up huh? Also, our chimney needs some minor repairs and will cost us about $500 and the buyers are requesting to get some vents that run from the bathroom fans out through the roof. They should just be happy that there are vents in there, right? Well I’ll get something rigged up I s’pose.

I went to my first “Child Seminar” at the delivering hospital for Sarah and it was very interesting. We did a tour of the labor/delivery area as well as the Mother/Newborn area.

I got a little squeamish in the delivery room just imagining the site that will be in front of me in about 2 months but then we walked in the nursery area and a nurse was bathing a freshly-baked baby. To see the little baby there getting cleaned up, with all that hair she had was quite a thing to see. Kinda makes you look forward to being the Dad in there and just watching and hanging with her. I don’t know what to think. It’s just going to be odd.

I’m here at work late tonight as I am cutting over our network to our secondary site down the street to a new router. Actually, it’s their first router. We’re running right now with a 10mb TLS circuit with an ethernet hand-off on each end and we’re just running a VLAN across. Since we wanted them to use their own internet connection we’ve been using route-add’s on the local computers but that in the end is just stupid. This router will fix it but only if the god damn thing can work. I’ve tried a couple times so far and had to scrap it because as I was doing it in the morning if I ran into a problem, I would have to roll back so that knuckleheads coming in could do their work. That meant I couldn’t do mine and figure out why it wasn’t working. So staying late allows me to get around that problem. I hope.

Wish me luck.