I was up before the dawn.

Anyhoo, enough of the Supertramp references.

I just felt like just putting a little more personal post up this time than just the “Oh, she’s so cute” that I’m forced to do all the time since….she’s so cute. Sorry, what can I do? The past week has been pretty good all in all. The entire first half of last week I got to spend in Philadelphia Common Pleas court for an accident I caused in July ’05. It finally came to court and it was a long, boring almost 3 days but I ended up winning. The plaintiff (jackass) did not get awarded any damages which makes me and my lawyer very happy!

So I got back to work late on Wednesday and got working on a couple projects that included installing more security for areas in our company as well as move some internet connections from one site to another. Pretty boring stuff but I had fun and felt good at the end of the week with getting them done. Ah…task completion. Now I can strike them off the list but then add on 2 more. It never ends.

With stopping at the gas store and stopping at the beer store I got home late but had a full trunk of good vibrations including Hoegaarden, Mike’s Hard and some Coor’s Light (for the visiting cuz). The weekend turned out to be real good. Kathy and Brogan came into town on Friday, stayed until Sunday and we all had a great time with them. Did some relaxing on the couch on Friday, the first time in a while we’ve done that and Saturday was cool too. Got up and started late Saturday morning, I got shamed into weeding the rear patio and then didn’t stop until I got all them frickin’ weeds around the rest of the house. I was able to get the new rock around the pool cleaned up and looking better and am now ready to plant a little grass seed where nothing has grown back from the pool install, and that’s done. A few other things were finished over the rest of the weekend too. It’s nice to get through that and feels even more good that I have MORE things now off my list. Until the weeds grow back. Ugh.

Now back to Saturday night, we went down and visited with Maura, Stacey and Al. We did a little celebration for Kathleen’s recent birthday and I drank even more the rest of the afternoon. From cracking open the beers pretty early Saturday while weeding in the hot sun, I just kept going when I went down there. There was NO way I was driving down to Stacey’s and heck no, no stinkin’ way I was driving home. I had a fun Saturday. The food was good, swimming was cool and hanging with family can make you feel better. Thanks for the hospitality Maura.

Unfortunately, Kathy and Brogan had to get home so they left in the early afternoon on Sunday but it was great to see them. We’ll see them in less than 2 weeks in Southern Shores!

Oh, I went swimming for 2 hours on Sunday afternoon while Sarah napped. Sorry baby but I had to do more relaxin’!

That was last week. I already have more for this week but will put that up tomorrow or such.

C ya soon,