Haven’t written or put any new pics up in a while but with having a great birthday this past Sunday I realized I wasn’t alone here with just my wife and kids. I got a lot of great birthday wishes from friends on the Facebook I haven’t heard from in a while. Being old and grey makes you reflect a little bit too when you hear from folks that you haven’t spoken with so I figured I’d throw a couple updates out there.

First and foremost, I have a bunch new pics of the kids along with some things we’ve done recently over at the Image Gallery. It’s in order from newest to oldest. You’ll figure it out I think.


Second and less foremost for me, I sold my toy. Yup, Emy the Jeep is now at a new home somewhere in South Jersey. After talking with The Wife, and her flat out telling me the kids weren’t allowed to ride in it until they were pretty much old enough to drive it because she just didn’t feel safe I felt there wasn’t a reason to keep her and not enjoy it really. It did need some love that I just wasn’t going to make time for and especially if the kids couldn’t enjoy it as well, what’s the point?


So Sarah and Aiden got a new car. It’s a 1977 Volkswagen Beetle convertible. Cream white body, white convertible and white leather interior. This too needs some love but being as we can all enjoy it, I don’t mind doing the work. Plus I have a great chance of slipping in a bad-ass motor and trans down the road and do wheelies with it like Herbie! I have pics of before and after over in the image gallery

Besides that, we’ve had a great summer. We’ve gone to Sesame Place numerous times. Vacation again this year was in Southern Shores (OBX) for a great week with a house full of family and more family just up the road. A fabulous time all around. Lots of playing with the kids, hanging with neighbors and watching these 2 little suckers grow up. I’m a happy dad.

Check back and I’ll have more pics, more often. I’ve just been very busy with the kids, work, going to bed early because I’m old (ask The Wife…she’ll agree), etc. I do have a crap load of videos I need to edit and post too. Maybe now I’ll motivate myself and do something about it.

Take care all and we’ll see you around,

(p.s. check the tumblr site out to for quick one liners too)