Not a lot going on in Sarah world. We’re just getting bigger and walking a little more. This little bugger is such a cautious little girl that getting up the nerve to go across the room is a lot of her. If she gets unsteady, she’ll just drop to the floor and crawl. Hey, that’s cool with me. As long as she’s comfortable. She’ll get it, just going to take time.

Meanwhile on the home front, I’ve been spending a lot of time getting our basement remodeled. I’ve ripped out all of the sheetrock and (what little) insulation was previously installed and have gotten that out to trash, 1 trash bag at a time (trash guys must LOVE me). Now I’m coating all of the masonry block with DryLok and re-insulating. After, I’ll be putting up new sheetrock and tidying up a few electrical additions I want done and then we’ll have more space! (Possibly) a lot less kid stuff in my family room!

That will be 1 out of 400 things off the honey-do list. One day it will be all clear.