Hey there people. Hope all is well. I’m sleepy and it’s late. I’m going to ramble for a few minutes then I am going to pass out. I hope that’s ok with you. Good.

Got some big news for you folks. Some (or all) have heard that the darlin’ Wife of mine has gone and done something whacky. What did she do you ask? She’s now no longer workin’ for The Man (or Woman in her case, Hi Carole.) She’s has left her cushy full-time position at beautiful Drexel University where she was a designer for 9 crazy years to become her own company. What drove her to do this?

If you know The Wife you know she is not one to do something very drastic and “crazy” like to move into a position with an unsure future. What was the reason? Just look up on the page and see that wee little blob sleeping on Dad’s arm and you have the reason.

With working for the University and commute time, her schedule was to get up at 5:30 – 6 am and Feed Sarah. Get ready for work, leave by 6:50 to drive about 20 minutes to catch a 7:16 train, to get her into downtown and get into the office by 8 am. To get home, a 4:54 train, get in @ 5:20, be home at 5:45. Baby tubby-time starts at 7:30 pm so that is less than 2 hours a day of interaction with our child. Some people can do it and that is great but I did not want this to happen to us.

Mom is one HELL of a graphic designer and she’s been doing freelance design work for so long that after A LOT of discussions between her and I (and The Mom Mom too amongst a lot of other people) it was decided upon that striking out on her own would be best. So she did it.

She’s afraid, no, she’s terrified, of the uncertainty before her but if there is anybody in the world that dear ol’ Dad is proud of, she is it. It takes one hell of a leap of faith and I am so impressed that she has gone through and is doing it. As well, I can not think of another person that would be anymore successful at such an endeavor than her. She is so incredibly driven to a fault, it can be scary. trust me, I live with her.

One thing to add, I have to remember and realize is she’s home and there’s this wee wittle baby in the house and this is the very reason she is moving on in this way, it does not mean though that she’s just diddlin’ around all day. She still has to work, all day long, to make sure all of her work gets finished in a timely manner and delivering the very best product she can. So I know that I can not just assume I can take every night off. Hell, I’m probably more in need now at home than ever. Wife, remind of this when I fall off the wagon and try to take advantage (cuz I will and not realize it)

My dearest Wife who I love more than almost anything (Sarah has a slight edge right now as she can not argue back) I wish you the best of luck with this and I am oh so proud that you took this step. There are many things we need to tidy up to get this off the ground but we will and it will be great. You’ll see

Rambling done. G’Night.