So what have we been doing for the last 2 and a half years? A lot. A whole heck of a lot. I’m sure nobody has been checking in to our site much in a very long time (I sure haven’t) but I finally got off my ass and updated. EVERYTHING! It has a new look, a responsive layout now so it’s easily browsable across different size screens (phone/tablet/computer) and I’ve reorganized the entire older image gallery in to a new structure. The web sure has changed a lot in the time that I’ve been avoiding the site.

So not only have I done a lot of work on rebuilding everything here, I’ve also spent a lot of time going through my personally photo history since the last photo post from November of 2011 (our almost yearly pilgrimage to Disney) and I am ready to start putting up photos from that entire time that’s missing. Those will be going up on here in the very near future. I’m hoping to have everything up to date by the end of Thanksgiving weekend. That’s my plan anyways.

I am sorry we’ve been away for so long but instead of spending a buttload of time maintaining a site, I’ve been playing with my best friends.

I hope you enjoy the new look and the new set up and all the hard work involved.
