We have about 4,000 more pictures we’ve taken since the last time I posted anything. Digital cameras G*D DAMN ROCK!

Anyhoo…I’m going to put more pictures up in the Web Gallery. It’s the new set called Sarah Snoring. You may be wondering why it’s called that. Well that’s a funny story (at least to me).

Sitting here and doing a couple work things on my computer, waiting for my dinner to cool off so I don’t get 3rd degree burns in my mouth and all I hear is Sarah snoring while sitting in her car seat. She is so content. In fact she just stopped “snoring” and is giving out little whimpers. Shit. That is the cutest little sound I think I have ever heard. She rocks and she doesn’t even know it.

Go check out the link and enjoy!

(yeah, she’s in her car seat so what. She’s sleeping, content and not wailing away. I’m not a bad parent, yet.)

One last thing. It was cookie baking day here at the household. What that is, is the Wife, her Momma and two cool sisters were here baking cookies for me most of the day. At one point, sister #1 (#1 only because she was born first) had Sarah sitting on her lap. Not holding her up or anything but just sitting there with no support. She’s 40 days old. I’m almost 40 YEARS old and still can’t sit up straight most of the time. But that might have to do with the beer. I leave you with your opinion. I think that’s frickin cool.

Take care all and happy holidays!