We had such a great weekend. Or at least I did.

Sarah and I had so much time together this past saturday that it felt so great. It was nice to give Mom a break but to get so many smiles and time sitting together and bouncing around the house, I love having my little baby. She is such a little love and she doesn’t even know it right now.

Saturday night The Wife and I got to go out and be adults and drink beer at a charity event and see that there really are a lot of adults out in the real world. I could understand how The Wife could forget about them out there, what with her spending most of the past numerous weeks with the new Boss, but there we were, out and mingling with people and it was nice. Her and I out for a bit and relaxing was a happy thing. Plus, we won a couple items in the raffle so that made her even happier as it was the first time she ever won something at this event that she’s been to for the past 4,000 years or so. I say it was because I finally made it but she doesn’t believe it.

Sunday was nice in that we went to see some friends who moved out to the mountainous region of the state and about 1.25 hours from here. It was a bit of a drive but the babe slept most of the time out and back so it was pretty pleasant. While we were there I felt kinda bad as Sarah was doing a lot of crying but I think it had to do with us having too heavy of an outfit on her. Once she got changed, so did the mood so you live and learn, right? Most importantly, it was a great visit as I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing those guys (as well as my other friends who came out for the big “ParentFest”). Sharon made some great lasagna, Jim had a little wine and was funny, Pat was hurting from a recent car accident but looked well, Dana was pure energy like always and it was great seeing them all. Best of all was seeing the kids though.

J & S’s oldest, Autumn is getting so, so big. I remember seeing her when she was born and she was this little ball of girl, so cute and innocent and wonderful. Now, she talks and enunciates sentences better than I do. She’s 6. Aubrey is almost 4 and is as tall as her sister. She is so much fun it’s great. Seeing the two of them playing together and having fun together does make you want to have a second child to ensure a little playmate for Sarah but let’s take it one day at a time, okay?

As for P&D’s Luke, he’s 8 months (I think) and he’s almost ready to walk. He’s amazing. He’s progressing so fast. It’s so insane to think it was that long ago that The Wife and I went to visit on Luke’s first day in this world. He was so small and cute. I was amazed that Pat could make something like that. But then he has Dana so he can’t take all the credit.

Oh, and to finish the weekend the little one didn’t really want to go to sleep so there was some extra hopping around the room, to a nice 4/4 timed beat and she fell asleep, right in my arms. To hear the little snorts from my baby with a stuffy nose just sleeping on me is the most wonderful sound a person could ever, ever ask for.