Yeah, yeah, yeah it will get a little old if I do this every week but it’s true. Today she’s 2 weeks old!

It’s been one hell of a ride these past couple weeks at least for me. And since it’s my web site, you’ll get MY side of it. (I’m going to let Mom put up something of her own, maybe on the big turkey holiday.)

The first day was something to behold. You can read about the play by play if you go to the archives but emotionally it was so awakening. Something inside you just clicked and I was a Dad. To look down and see her eyes looking back at me is just cool.

So for the first 2 days, being in the hospital I tried what I could to make Mom comfortable. Trying to let her get rest, some recuperation time from what she had just gone through. The first 2 nights we had Sarah stay in the nursery so Mom could sleep a bit. During the day, Sarah spent her time with us (mostly Mom).

We got home on Friday and spent the day getting to know each other. That night, Luke and his parents Pat and Dana came by to say hi to Sarah. It turned out to be a good night. They brought Sarah some pacifiers and a cool toy (sorry, can’t think of the name right now but I can picture it).

Saturday was a nice long day at home. Mom got some more rest during the day. Sarah got to know her dogs and was a really quiet baby. She fussed when we changed her diaper and when she was hungry but more so, she was just a perfect little baby. How can you blame her for fussing? 3 days early she didn’t have to work for anything now everything is a struggle. I’d be bitching too!

Saturday night her Aunt Kathleen (psuedo-Grandmom) and cousin Brogan showed up from a having a real good time at Spencer’s big football win over the rival school in Northern VA. They made it in about 9pm and Kathleen did nothing but go nuts over the new little one. It was so nice to see how happy she was seeing Sarah for the first time. Inside I felt so good. I felt I did something really good here.

Sunday….oh boy on Sunday. This day was a mad house! Well, the house line up is now added on by 2 with Kath and Brogan in for the visit. Carl, Joann, Lil’ Carl, Alla and their dog Rocky show up about 10am. It is so good to see them and I didn’t realize they had not been to the new house yet until they came. So the house is getting full, dogs are going crazy and it’s still early!

They stayed until a few minutes after 12 as Lil’ Carl had a basketball practice to get to but it was great to have them here. I felt so proud to show my big bro the new little one. What is it about a baby that can make anyone look happy? It was good to have these guys around to add to my joy.

The day isn’t done…not by a long shot. Somewhere before noon Aunt Kristina, cousin Seth and Aunt Sue came on by to visit. All to see Sarah! We all laughed and had a great time together and all for the little one. Seth and Brogan played together, Sarah visited with everyone and was soo good the whole day. Kris had to take Seth home but forgot his backpack and Spiderman sippy cup so she came back a short while later. Then she went home to make them dinner and…she forgot the backpack and sippy cup AGAIN! So they came back again to pick it up and ended up eating with us as they were having chicken nuggets and potatoes at home. By chance, Aunt Stacey and Uncle Al had come by with dinner for everyone. They brought chicken, mashed potatoes, brownies and other food. It was great! Everyone hung out for a while after dinner then people kinda shuffled out and it all wound down before too long.

Monday Aunt Kathleen and Brogan had to head back home and Dad went back to the real world and off to work! This left Mom at home with Mom-mom and Sarah all together.

I didn’t realize how long this became until just a moment ago…I’ll write a part 2 tomorrow or friday and fill more in about next 10 days. C ya soon.