Sarah started her 2nd year in Pre-School today. Her mom (The Wife) wrote a great email to her family that I wanted to share. I hope you don’t mind, my dear.


I hope this email finds you well and you are enjoying the nice weather. I can say I am so glad it is not raining today. I was starting to think it was time to build an ark with all the rain we have been getting.

Today is nice, sunny warm, the perfect day for Sarah to have her first day of school. She was so excited. We met her teachers last Thur, and she really liked them and her new room. She woke up Friday and said “mommy do I have school today?” I said “not today but on Monday we do.” Sarah said ” Oh Man, but I want to go today!” That was the first sign that today was going to be a good day!

She woke up early, colored with daddy for a little bit then ate and got ready…dressed, hair and teeth brushed and no crying. It was a good morning. We got our first day picture outside the front of the house, and she was so cute. I have attached some photos for you too see.

I asked Brett as we drove home if he was sad and he said a little. I was not sad one bit, not like last year where I had to beat the tears away. I was so happy that she was excited to go and have fun, learn and make new friends! Brett was sad to see his little girl grow up…daddy’s little girl forever!

We waiting in the car line to drop her off…yes she is so old now that we don’t even get her out of the car anymore. But today mommy and daddy did help her out, took some pics and gave kisses. She was all too eager to leave with Miss Sandy and go to her classroom in the “big house” as Sarah most lovingly calls the building her classroom is in.

I promptly went to pick her up 2.5 hours later (the time actually flew by). Waiting in the car line again and then there she was. So happy to see me. I asked if she liked school and of course she said “yes!” Her teacher told me that Sarah was very intuned to what they were learning today and that Sarah had a great day! That is my bright little girl!

As we were driving home we called daddy and this is the first thing she said to daddy “Daddy today was my first day at school and I loved it!” I can only hope this enthusiasm lasts with her throughout the school year and for years to come.

Now tomorrow brings a new day where I send my little boy off to school for 2.5 hours. This one is going to be tough for me. But I know I will make it through just like I did with Sarah last year. I will make sure to send you pictures of little man’s first day too!

Love and miss you all!

[My Wife]