Sarah's Life Goals

Here are 3 goals I would like to do by the time I am 30 years old. With each goal I have a list of specific steps that will help me accomplish my goals.

I want to learn how to play difficult songs on the alto saxophone

  1. 5-year timeline – learn the basic songs on the saxophone in band class in middle school and learn harder songs in high school.
  2. I am asking for an alto saxophone for Christmas.
  3. I will learn the first five notes on the scale for the saxophone.
  4. My middle school band teacher will teach me the basics in the spring.
  5. I will practice 3 times a week for 30 minutes a day.
  6. I will learn different songs on the saxophone by taking additional online lessons.
  7. When I go to high school, I will learn some harder songs that my band teacher will teach me.
  8. I will practice 3 times a week for an hour a day when i am in high school.

I want to become a marine biologist

  1. 12-year timeline – This is middle school, high school, college and a master’s degree.
  2. Take scuba dive lessons and become a certified diver by the time I am 15 years old.
  3. Through middle school and high school, I will take honors science.
  4. I will work hard to get the best grades I can for all of my subjects but mostly science.
  5. I would like to get into the National Honors Society in high school.
  6. Apply for scholarships to get into a good marine science college in Florida.
  7. Work at SeaWorld while in college to gain some experience working with the marine animals.
  8. Graduate college with a master’s degree in marine science by 2032.
  9. I plan to be a marine biologist by the time I am 25 years old and helping the marine animals.

I want to travel to Europe and visit the United Kingdom, France, and Italy for my 30th birthday

  1. 17-year timeline to save money and plan the ultimate vacation.
  2. I will set-up a travel savings account.
  3. I can ask my parents and relatives to give me money for my birthday and Christmas presents that I will take a portion of and put in my travel savings account.
  4. I will get a job when I am 16 years old. I plan to save $15 per week for 2 years, so by the time I graduate from High School I will put $1,560 in my travel savings account.
  5. When I am in College, I will save $20 a week for 4 years, so by the time I graduate college I will put in $4160 in my travel savings account.
  6. When I become a marine biologist, I will save $30 a week – $1,560 a year for 4 years, putting $6240 in my travel savings account.
  7. By the time I am 29 I will have saved at least $10,000 to plan my 30th birthday European vacation.