Annie guarding Sarah

I’m quickly learning that sleep deprivation is a big part of child-rearing.

Last night, upon getting home around 10pm, Sarah was sleeping soundly in her pack-n-play. She actually slept very well until about 11:30 which was about the 3 1/2 hour mark for that nap. So that goes to show she’s a good sleeper at times.

Well, when she woke up I was lucky enough to get to change her poopy diaper and then pass her off to The Wife for the feeding session. She does ok at this point but only eats for about 10-15 minutes. Then she falls asleep for a bit. Then she wakes up again for more food. Then she falls asleep for a bit. Then she wakes up again for more food. Then she falls asleep for a bit. Then she wakes up again for more food. Then she falls asleep for a bit. UNTIL 4:30am.

God bless The Wife.

I woke up at some point through all this but I did get her back down to sleep until 5am. So what did I do? Go back to sleep? No. I’m at work. Ah, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

(This should have been published yesterday. Forgot to hit the button…)