How did another week slide by without posting? I don’t do it intentionally but the days just slip by.

For example, last night I got home about 6:20pm after stopping at Lowe’s for something else I forgot to get when I was there this weekend. So I get home, hang with the little cutie for a while then start doing a couple housework items that El-Wife-O has been bugging me to do. Just simple things like hanging some pictures and decoration items in the kitchen. So I start (and eat dinner at the same time) and before I know it, it’s 8:30. So I watch a little of the Flyers game and then…
I’m out.
On the couch.
And another night has passed by.

I have to always remind myself to not let time get away from me and remember to always pay attention to what MUST be important in my life.

Ah, you know who you are. Unfortunately, one of them can’t read yet though.

Sarah is going to be 6 months old the week after next. Where does that time go? I clearly remember taking the picture above like I it was taken yesterday. She still has the little arms (but getting better at using them). She can see more than 3 ft in front of her (which sometimes is bad if I’m trying not to disturb her and sneak by) and her comprehension of her surroundings is so much more in tune. Why do they have to grow up? Yeah, the middle of the night screaming sessions are a very distant memory but that was something with her that I got along with. That sounds crazy, I know, but to know I could rhythmically hop, and “sshhhh” in a standard 4 beat pattern and that would calm her down and she’d fall asleep on my shoulder. Just her little body going to sleep right there.


Now she’s getting bigger everyday. She is so cute and so much more of a better baby. But she’s growing up and I don’t like it.